

Volunteer Opportunities at Abiding Word
There are many opportunities for members to volunteer at Abiding Word, especially on Sunday mornings.  You can sign up as often as you want, from once a month to once, twice or more a year.  Any and all help with any of the tasks described below is appreciated.  We are all part of the Abiding Word Lutheran Church family and we invite you to serve God and each other in these important and meaningful ways.  There is a binder located on the reception counter that contains the sign-up sheets for each task.  Please see John Weber or Sonja Utke if you have any questions.  Thank you for your service!!

Ushers - Greet members and visitors, hand out bulletins and direct the rows during Communion PLEASE SEE JOHN WEBER
Lobby Attendants - Monitor the narthex during worship, complete attendance sheet provided PLEASE SEE JOHN WEBER
Communion Set-up - Prepare the Communion ware and place on Altar on Sunday morning, clean and put away the Communion ware after the service PLEASE SEE JOHN WEBER
Communion Assistant - Assist Pastor during the distribution of Communion
Tech Booth Operator - Perform the duties of the tech booth, present the already prepared PowerPoint presentation on the large screen in front, control the sound system, play the WELS Connection DVD each month PLEASE SEE SONJA UTKE
Offering Counters - Count the money from the offering plate on Sunday morning after worship. There are usually 2 people that work together.
Hospitality - Provide the refreshments after worship in the fellowship hall


Calling All Handy Men and Women

When the Property Ministry Team calls for a workday, it's for a major item or major clean up where many hands are needed. Yet, there are other items around in the buildings and around the property that need to be done, too. Items that one or two or three folks could take care of in an hour or two or three from time to time. Paul and I discussed having a small maintenance team, half a dozen or so people who'd volunteer to do these lesser items, it would be a big help.  

There is a sign-up sheet posted under the television in the narthex.

Sound like something you'd like to be part of? Let Curt Sayer know how you'd like to help out at 720-350-2765 or
