Prayer Shawl Ministry

We invite all of the knitters, crocheters and seamstresses to join the prayer shawl ministry. As the shawls/small lap blankets are made, we pray that those receiving them who are ill and in need of God’s healing and comfort will receive God’s peace.  The prayer shawls/blankets will then be delivered to the person who has requested it so they could get it to that person in need.  A small prayer with the blanket will be included, such as 

"May this gift made for you with love
Be a mantle and sign of God’s healing presence.
May it warm you when weary,
May it surround you with ease when suffering,
May it encircle you with caring when in pain,
May it comfort you when you feel alone,
May it remind you of God’s abiding love."

Abiding Word Lutheran Prayer Shawl Ministry

for more information on joining this group please contact
Susan Morgenstern at 303-596-0934
