A common recipe for a happy life would most likely include some of these words and phrases, among others:
success financial security influence
connections fulfilling your dreams
Moses had all those things from early on as one who grew up in the pharaoh’s palace. But these are words and phrases from the life he chose to live instead from Hebrews 11:24-28:
refused to be known” (v.24) “mistreated” (v.25) “disgrace” (v.26)
“not fearing the king’s anger” (v.27) “kept the Passover” (v.28)
He traded in a comfortable life in one of the world’s great ancient civilizations for a life that honored God, his religious practices and his people of Israel. All by faith! And, as a result, his choices led him into . . . . direct confrontation with the king himself.
We admire a president who holds a baby from the crowd or takes time to read books to children or has a conversation with a regular Joe like you or me. Some might consider that a sacrifice for someone of presidential status. Moses’ sacrifice was far greater in giving up that privileged life completely in order to follow God’s plan.
We don’t choose to become believers in Christ. That is God’s work by grace. But with the guidance of the Holy Spirit we do make choices in how we live out our life. Challenge yourselves as new people in Christ to take the path of God’s will: spiritual growth over merely the growth of your personal conveniences, integrity over quick gains, boldness in your faith life over fear of the opinions of the crowds.
We, like Moses, are looking ahead. By faith we give up some of what many would consider the “good life” for the better life with God through Jesus Christ.
He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. (Hebrews 11:26)