Do you follow political news avidly, mostly try to avoid it, or do you participate in the political process but are generally lukewarm about the whole thing?

It’s difficult to stay out of it completely. How soon will we get a new speaker of the house? How will the president handle the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine? You might have some passionate opinions to share, or you might be undecided or neutral, but either way they’re topics of discussion that are out there and come into our lives in different ways.

Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. (Romans 13:5). Our Christian conscience moves our attitude toward government up another notch. … for the authorities are God’s servants (13:6). It’s not just a matter of avoiding punishment. How we live and speak in our civil society comes out of a conscience that has been formed over years by the teachings of the Word.

Romans 13 is one of the big sections on government in the Word. It doesn’t tell us how to vote or which politicians will ultimately be the best for the country, but it does urge respect. Those we agree with, and those we don’t.

However we engage with government (and it’s good and necessary to engage with it!), we will be able to follow our Christian conscience, informed by the Word of God, and treat all the people involved in it with loving respect.

Come and hear more about the topic at Sunday worship!